Source code for friendblend.helpers

Helper stuff, non core logic functions

from functools import wraps
import inspect
import logging
import time

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np

from friendblend import global_vars

[docs]def fmt_print(string, thresh_len=70): """ Formats stuff for printing ensures that len(output) is around thresh_len """ string = str(string) string = string.replace("\n", " ") if len(string) > thresh_len: half_thresh_len = thresh_len // 2 string = string[:half_thresh_len] + " ... " + string[-half_thresh_len:] return " ".join(string.split())
[docs]def stringify_call_params(*args, **kwargs) -> str: """ Returns a string generated from call params """ str_args = list(map(str, args)) str_kwargs = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): str_kwargs.append(f"{k}={v}") return ", ".join(str_args + str_kwargs)
[docs]def log_call(f, log_entry=True, log_exit=True): """ Wrapper for logging every function call """ @wraps(f) def _log_call(*args, **kwargs): """ add a try-catch block to func call """ log = logging.getLogger() indent_offset = "-" * 4 * global_vars.logging_indent global_vars.logging_indent += 1 with np.printoptions(edgeitems=1, precision=3): if log_entry: log.debug( "%s -> %s.%s(%s)", indent_offset, f.__module__, f.__qualname__, fmt_print(stringify_call_params(*args, **kwargs)), ) st = time.time() ret = f(*args, **kwargs) en = time.time() global_vars.logging_indent -= 1 if log_exit: log.debug( "%s <- [%.3f] %s.%s(%s)", indent_offset, en - st, f.__module__, f.__qualname__, fmt_print(ret), ) return ret return _log_call
# taken from
[docs]def log_all_methods(log_entry=True, log_exit=True): """ A decorator which logs all methods in a class """ def decorate(cls): for attr in cls.__dict__: _func = getattr(cls, attr) if callable(_func): setattr(cls, attr, log_call(_func, log_entry, log_exit)) return cls return decorate
[docs]def log_all_in_module(module, log_entry=True, log_exit=True): """ Adds the logging decorator to all methods in class """ try: all_attrs = module.__all__ except AttributeError: all_attrs = dir(module) for attr in all_attrs: _func = getattr(module, attr) if inspect.isclass(_func): setattr(module, attr, log_all_methods(log_entry, log_exit)(_func)) elif callable(_func): setattr(module, attr, log_call(_func, log_entry, log_exit))
[docs]def imshow(img): """ Displays an image press q to quit the window """ cv.imshow("Press q to quit", img) while 1: if cv.waitKey(0) & 0xFF == ord("q"): break cv.destroyAllWindows()