Source code for friendblend.processing.color_correction

Contains code for color correction of the image.
CLAHE - Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np

__all__ = ["rgb2lab", "clahe", "apply_clahe"]

[docs]def rgb2lab(img): """ Converts an RGB image to L*a*b* space Implements formulas described at: """ def f(X): """ Helper function for RGB to Lab conversion Detailed description in the link above """ X = X.copy() mask1 = X > 0.008856 mask2 = X <= 0.008856 X[mask1] = X[mask1] ** (1 / 3) X[mask2] = (7.787 * X[mask2]) + (16 / 116) return X # converts image to be in [0,1] range img = img.astype("float64") img /= 255.0 # accounts for sRGB conversion img = img ** 2.2 # converts to XYZ first X = ( (img[:, :, 0] * 0.412453) + (img[:, :, 1] * 0.357580) + (img[:, :, 2] * 0.180423) ) Y = ( (img[:, :, 0] * 0.212671) + (img[:, :, 1] * 0.715160) + (img[:, :, 2] * 0.072169) ) Z = ( (img[:, :, 0] * 0.019334) + (img[:, :, 1] * 0.119193) + (img[:, :, 2] * 0.950227) ) # initializing constants Xn = 0.950456 Zn = 1.088754 delta = 0 # converting from XYZ to Lab as described by the formulas X /= Xn Z /= Zn mask1 = Y > 0.008856 mask2 = Y <= 0.008856 L = Y.copy() L[mask1] = 116 * (L[mask1] ** (1 / 3)) - 16 L[mask2] = 903.3 * L[mask2] # f(X) defined above a = 500 * (f(X) - f(Y)) + delta b = 200 * (f(Y) - f(Z)) + delta L = L * (255 / 100) a = a + 128 b = b + 128 return np.round(np.dstack([L, a, b])).astype("uint8")
def _interpolate(c_sub_bin, map_ul, map_ur, map_dl, map_dr, x_frame_size, y_frame_size): """ Interpolates the values of the pixels in patches around the current pixel patch and finds the value for the current pixel """ # initializing output c_sub_image = np.zeros(c_sub_bin.shape) # implementing the formula for i in range(x_frame_size): i_inv = x_frame_size - i for j in range(y_frame_size): j_inv = y_frame_size - j val = c_sub_bin[i, j].astype(int) c_sub_image[i, j] = i_inv * (j_inv * map_ul[val] + j * map_ur[val]) + i * ( j_inv * map_dl[val] + j * map_dr[val] ) return (c_sub_image / (x_frame_size * y_frame_size)).astype("int32") def generate_histograms( bins, n_bins, grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs, x_frame_size, y_frame_size ): """ Generates the histogram required for each patch """ hist = np.zeros((grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs, n_bins)) for i in range(grid_x_divs): for j in range(grid_y_divs): # gets the current frame (it's binned values) c_bin = bins[ i * x_frame_size : (i + 1) * x_frame_size, j * y_frame_size : (j + 1) * y_frame_size, ] c_bin = c_bin.astype("int32") # updates the current frame's histogram for p in range(x_frame_size): for q in range(y_frame_size): hist[i, j, c_bin[p, q]] += 1 return hist def clip_histogram(hist, clip_limit, n_bins, grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs): """ Clips the histograms using the limit set """ for i in range(grid_x_divs): for j in range(grid_y_divs): total_overflow = 0 for c_bin in range(n_bins): overflow = hist[i, j, c_bin] - clip_limit if overflow > 0: total_overflow += overflow # to redistribute intensities across each bin inc_bin_val = total_overflow / n_bins # new upper limit for each bin based on how the redistribution has to be done upper = clip_limit - inc_bin_val # redistributing for c_bin in range(n_bins): if hist[i, j, c_bin] > clip_limit: hist[i, j, c_bin] = clip_limit else: if hist[i, j, c_bin] > upper: total_overflow -= hist[i, j, c_bin] - upper hist[i, j, c_bin] = clip_limit else: hist[i, j, c_bin] += inc_bin_val total_overflow -= inc_bin_val # if there is still some overflow, then uniformly divide the overflow into each bin if total_overflow > 0: div_uniform = max(1, 1 + total_overflow // n_bins) for c_bin in range(n_bins): hist[i, j, c_bin] += div_uniform total_overflow -= div_uniform if total_overflow <= 0: break return hist def create_eq_mappings(hist, n_bins, frame_size, grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs): """ Creates the histogram equalization mapping function for each patch """ max_val = 255 min_val = 0 maps = np.zeros((grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs, n_bins)) scale = (max_val - min_val) / float(frame_size) for i in range(grid_x_divs): for j in range(grid_y_divs): c_sum = 0 for c_bin in range(n_bins): c_sum += hist[i, j, c_bin] maps[i, j, c_bin] = np.clip((c_sum * scale) + min_val, min_val, max_val) return maps def interpolate(res, maps, bins, grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs, x_frame_size, y_frame_size): """ Wrapper function for the above _interpolate function Performs the interpolation on pixels of each patch """ x_offset = 0 for i in range(grid_x_divs): x_up = max(0, i - 1) x_down = min(i, grid_x_divs - 1) y_offset = 0 for j in range(grid_y_divs): y_left = max(0, j - 1) y_right = min(j, grid_y_divs - 1) # gets the equalization maps of neighboring patches map_ul = maps[x_up, y_left] map_ur = maps[x_up, y_right] map_dl = maps[x_down, y_left] map_dr = maps[x_down, y_right] # gets the current bin c_sub_bin = bins[ x_offset : x_offset + x_frame_size, y_offset : y_offset + y_frame_size ] # gets the interpolated values for current patch c_sub_image = _interpolate( c_sub_bin, map_ul, map_ur, map_dl, map_dr, x_frame_size, y_frame_size ) # adds current patch interpolated values to the final result res[ x_offset : x_offset + x_frame_size, y_offset : y_offset + y_frame_size ] = c_sub_image y_offset += y_frame_size x_offset += x_frame_size return res
[docs]def clahe(img, clip_limit=3.0, n_bins=256, grid=(7, 7)): """ - Divides the image into frames/cells using the grid values passed to the function - Creates a separate histogram for each cell/frame after binning the values - The histogram equalization mapping for each cell/frame is also generated - The contrast of the image is limited by clipping bin values with 'clip_limit' - Adaptive histogram equalization """ h, w = img.shape grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs = list(map(int, grid)) # find amount of padding needed and apply padding_x = grid_x_divs - int(h % grid_x_divs) padding_y = grid_y_divs - int(w % grid_y_divs) if padding_x != 0: img = np.append(img, np.zeros((padding_x, img.shape[1])).astype(int), axis=0) if padding_y != 0: img = np.append(img, np.zeros((img.shape[0], padding_y)).astype(int), axis=1) # initialize result res = np.zeros(img.shape) # get size of each cell/frame in the grid x_frame_size = int(img.shape[0] / grid_x_divs) y_frame_size = int(img.shape[1] / grid_y_divs) frame_size = x_frame_size * y_frame_size # set clip limit clip_limit = max(5, clip_limit * x_frame_size * y_frame_size / n_bins) # generate Look Up Table and put pixel intensities into their bins bin_size = 256.0 / n_bins LUT = (np.arange(256) / bin_size).astype("int32") bins = LUT[img] # creating separate histograms for each frame/cell hist = generate_histograms( bins, n_bins, grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs, x_frame_size, y_frame_size ) # clipping the histogram to limit contrast hist = clip_histogram(hist, clip_limit, n_bins, grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs) # creating the equalization mapping maps = create_eq_mappings(hist, n_bins, frame_size, grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs) # Interpolating the values from surrounding frames res = interpolate( res, maps, bins, grid_x_divs, grid_y_divs, x_frame_size, y_frame_size ) # return result without padding return res[:h, :w].astype("uint8")
[docs]def apply_clahe(img, clip_limit=3.0, n_bins=256, grid=(7, 7)): """ Parameters: - The input image in BGR format - The clip limit for contrast limiting - Number of bins to divide the image into - Grid size to be used while performing adaptive histogram equalization """ img = img[:, :, ::-1].copy() # conversion to Lab space img_lab = rgb2lab(img) # performing CLAHE on L channel and replacing original L channel with it clahe_L = clahe(img_lab[:, :, 0], clip_limit, n_bins, grid) img_clahe = np.dstack([clahe_L, img_lab[:, :, 1], img_lab[:, :, 2]]) return cv.cvtColor(img_clahe, cv.COLOR_LAB2BGR)